Monday, March 21, 2011


Make sure you cop your copy of  Chris Brown's F.A.M.E. In stores today. 
Record review will be posted very soon. 

Stay tuned...

 F.A.M.E. is available to buy on iTunes and all good stores worldwide now.

Friday, March 18, 2011


After a rocky past couple of years, and an almost career ending decision one night before the 2009 "Grammy Awards", R&B singer "Chris Brown" is ready to forgive all his enemies. Once an innocent pop singer, Brown became an industry outcast after being hit with a domestic violence charge for beating ex-girlfriend "Rihanna" in 2009. Years of apologizing, court appearances, community service, and so much more, the R&B sensation has successfully rebuilt a career many thought was destroyed.

Brown has admitted that although some of his music industry friends stood by him, the scandal left him with few by his side. Away from the spotlight, a handful of artists came out of the wood work in attempts to take the star’s title, but Brown’s fans were outright aggressive and loyal. He now often praises his friends and fans who stuck by his side throughout the ordeal, as he shouts out to his very popular fan base "Team Breezy" on a normal basis.

Now, high off the success of his mixtape "Fan of a Fan" which he released his first single (post-Rihanna) "Deuces," he was greeted by three Grammy nominations at this year's awards. Running on the success of his top 10 hit, he has powered up an Australian tour in April, and is looking forward to his "team" backing his forthcoming album "F.A.M.E", which stands for "Forgiving All My Enemies", (in stores March 22). Which would be very interesting to see how many albums are grabbed at your local record stores, since the failure of his last "LP" - "Graffiti", due to the controversy surrounding him a couple of years ago.

The lead single off Brown's soon-to-be released fourth studio album, F.A.M.E entitled “Look At Me Now”, may be his testament to those who doubted if Brown could make a comeback. Fans got a taste of Brown's bars on this current hit single and according to Brown, they'll hear even more through his tracks with various rappers like "Wiz Khalifa".

“I'm on one or two songs rapping. I got this one song with Wiz Khalifa called “Bomb” and on the third verse I'm rapping. Even on “Look At Me Now”, a lot of people don't' know and I'm pretty hype about it, it's number one but this is my first rap number one, this is not a song I'm singing on.”

So what do you think? Will you be outside the record store waiting it to open, to get a copy of Chris Browns, new LP, or will you sit back and not support him like the last album?

Chris Brown "Look At Me Now"

-Side Note- And yes Breezy, the entire world is looking at you now – whether it be the string of recent songs the singer has been featured on, his new blond ‘do, or his racy naked photos, our beloved Chris Brown is back! I will definitely be at the record store the minuet it opens to cop my copy of it. I don't care what you have to say about who Chris Brown is, or why you don't like him so much. But one thing we should be able to agree on, without a shadow of a doubt, is that Chris Brown is back!

Fans and celebrities alike are in shock as word spread that Hip-Hop artist and vocalist Nate Dogg passed away on Tuesday, confirmed by his road manager, Rod McGrew. Nate Dogg, born Nathaniel D. Hale, suffered strokes in both 2007 and 2008, but his death has been attributed to "complications from multiple strokes". 

Hale – who was the legendary master of the rap hook - exploded onto the music scene as "Warren G's" partner-in-crime on the hit "Regulate". He is also famously known for his appearance on "Dr. Dre’s" seminal album “The Chronic,” and also provided vocals for a number of rappers including: his high school friend "Snoop Dogg", "Kurupt", "Tupac Shakur", "Eminem", "Ludacris", and "50 Cent". 

Hale began singing as a child in a Long Beach, California Baptist church where his father was the pastor. When he was 16, he dropped out of high school and joined the Marines where he served for three years. When Dr. Dre heard a demo by "213" (group included himself, Snoop Dogg, and Warren G) he was intrigued, and began to work with the group. Hale went on to make three solo albums, but was best known for his collaborative work, singing hooks on other rappers' songs. The biggest tracks to feature Nate Dogg, a four-time Grammy nominee, include Dr. Dre's "The Next Episode," Ludacris' "Area Codes," 50 Cent's "21 Questions," and Eminem's "Shake That".

Of course, the loss of Nate Dogg has reverberated throughout the hip-hop community and beyond, (some comments via twitter):

"We lost a true legend n hip hop n rnb. One of my best friends n a brother to me since 1986 when I was a sophomore at poly high where we met, U will always b wit me 4ever n a day u put the g n g funk u put the 1 n 213 n u put yo stamp on evrybdy u ever didit wit. I miss u cuzz I am so sad but so happy I got to grow up wit u and I will c u again n heaven cuz u know d slogan all doggs go to heaven" ... Snoop Dogg

“There is a certain void in hip hop's heart that can never be filled. Glad we got to make history together.” ... Ludacris

 "Nate Dogg... freshness period. rest in beats." ...Erykah Badu

-Side Note- I just wanted to say how much of an influence this man has had on my life. I can remember growing up, I was trying to sing and get my voice heard, and was very embarrassed at the way I sounded. I mean I had a very high voice (kind of like a Justin Timberlake, or a Ne-Yo) and when I first heard his voice on the radio, it made me think. We all have a unique sounding voice, and all we have to do is have enough confidence to let that voice be heard. With a little ability, we can all have a great distinctive type of voice that people can gravitate to. And for that I thank you Nate Dogg. R.I.P. my brotha.

"If this were my world things would go my way. Every single day I'd have one more day." ... Nate Dogg

Monday, March 14, 2011

              Does Music Define You 

Music can obviously serve so many purposes. It can make us think, feel and act. It can be a deeply meaningful and profound experience that leaves us pondering life's greater mysteries. And sometimes it's just entertainment, in the way a sitcom is entertainment, or a video game, or anything else you enjoy doing purely for fun, like reading a spy novel.

I love the power of music to inspire people and to provoke. I love to see people get passionate about the music they love and dislike, and to hear why they feel the way they do. In the end, there really is no right or wrong perspective, just opinions, and there's no accounting for taste.

I suspect we get as worked up about music as we do because we believe it defines us — that music says something about who we are and what we believe, perhaps in ways more illuminating and honest than we could ever conjure on our own, since words alone often diminish the grand ideas and feelings we have inside.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

CD Review: Marsha Ambrosius "Late Nights & Early Morning"

In 2003, when neo-soul duo Floetry (now group has separated) appeared on the scene with their hypnotic, groovy debut "Floetic", the world was introduced to the beautiful poetry of ‘floacist’ (Natalie Stewart) and the beautiful lyrical and vocal stylings of songbird Marsha Ambrosius. These days, eight years later, fans are getting a proper session with Ambrosius, thanks to the long-awaited arrival of her solo debut, "Late Nights & Early Mornings".
Encumbered with her trademark deeply emotional lyrics and a voice rich with yearning, the album delivers moving, beautifully writen R&B-soul jams like “Far Away” and the play-it-to-death title track, on which she lets loose during the song’s gorgeous refrain. Many of her notable features throughout the years have leaned towards sexual content. It’s a staple of hers to bring out the best in all of us who want to take our partners inside of a room, crank up an Ambrosisus song to the max and watch the walls vibrate. As "Maxwell" liked to put it, “Til the Cops Come Knockin”. While the album’s intro has a warm and fuzzy foreplay feel, “With You” is slow burning romance (co-written by Alicia Keys). From purrs and moans of the impatience of being with her love, Ambrosius creates possibly some of the most melodic soul soothing much when it comes time to baby-making. Before those that title strictly belonged to "R. Kelly". Now Ambrosius has swooped in and rested her beautiful voice on that throne.
Lastly, she gives her fans all the sensuality they want, her trademark vocals glide her through a Lauryn Hill penned song, a Portishead cover as she hooks up with a range of producers to add variety to her sound. 

-Side Note- The wait had us all wondering where she would go with the album and I am glad we have the fruits of her labour to further prove to us what we already knew: Marsha Ambrosius is an unique, distinctive and progressive singer who can write for any given artist on any given day.

"I'm absolutely ... I'm in shock. It shows all dreams are real. It's one of those situations where I'd be a fool to pass it up." Marsha Ambrosius...

Late Nights & Early Mornings is available to buy on iTunes and all good stores worldwide now.


CD Review: Lupe Fiasco "Lasers"

Lupe Fiasco has had a hell of a career going for him after his debut album "Food & Liquor" started turning heads back in 2006. Following that up with "The Cool" a year later, Lupe proved that he was able to beat the sophomore slump and even surpass the appeal of his previous work. Four years have passed, and it's been a long wait for album number three. With only the very solid "Enemy of the State" mixtape to tide fans over, anticipation couldn't have been higher.
In an industry so flooded, and misconstrued with materialistic gangster rap, it's refreshing to hear someone spitting conscious rap for the mainstream. Fiasco is unafraid to spit fierce political statements, even if they are surrounded by candy-pop hooks as in his latest "Lasers". Nearly every track has the makings of a Top Ten radio single, due in large part to stunning production values. Yes, these songs are studio tweaked to the max, in which a furious Fiasco has stated is the reason it took so long for the studio to release it. From the vocal distortions and shimmering synths of opener "Letting Go," to the booming handclaps and nostalgic piano of closer "Never Forget You," there's hardly a moment where the album doesn't sound "really good" in a really substantial way.
Although this 3 studio album from Fiasco is more of a "radio play" successor, other then the usual "Cool" type music he has dropped earlier, fans are still hooked by it's outstanding lyrical content. Fiasco says he sees his music, which pulls influences from prog and experimental rock, as a way to bring different groups of listeners together — including those who are wary of hip-hop. 

Fiasco: On how Lasers finally got a solid release date: “The fans came and put their lives on the line in some instances—because you never know what could happen, it could have been a stampede. I look at that as very inspiring and motivational. That was one of the only reasons the label got on the phone and wanted to have that meeting, they seen the outpouring of support and the critique that was beginning to mobilize via the Internet.”
 -Side Note- In my opinion Lasers is not a conventional Lupe album, and has a mass radio audience appeal to it, but still as I have waited for this for four years, I can honestly say that this album has not let me down, as most reviews would tell you. Yes it's more pop-type, with long chorus repetatively played on each track, but its lyrical content is more important to me then a club banger, or top 100 type track you hear now-adays. I just can't wait for what's next on Lupe Fiasco's future.   

" I'm just trying to do the opposite of left, as long as there's the opposite of death, ya know 
Yes, ya test and I just might bring the opposite of life, til' there's no one the opposite of right" Lupe Fiasco.... 

Lasers is available to buy on iTunes and all good stores worldwide now.